
Porcelanosa Stores

Location and project type

Control of lighting, blinds, background music and HVAC system in Porcelanosa Stores.


Porcelanosa Grupo is a major reference on the Spanish and international markets. The company, founded in 1973 in Villarreal, started off with the production of a single product: ceramic tiles. Production diversification has played a key role in Porcelanosa's growth: Today, the group offers a wide product range that includes kitchen and bathroom equipment as well as state-of-the-art building solutions for contemporary architecture.

Porcelanosa Grupo has more than 400 showrooms in almost 100 countries worldwide, along with a constantly expanding distribution network that reaches cities such as New York, London, Paris or Milan. A study published by Pricewaterhouse Coopers and the Financial Times has positioned the company amongst the most prestigious firms on the global scene.

In this project, the integrator (Línea Iluminación y Montajes) designed and installed a KNX-based control system in Porcelanosa stores located in the Spanish cities of Marbella, Sevilla, and Córdoba.

Iddero HC2-KNX 7" touch panels have been installed allowing control of the entire lighting system in each store, including indoor lighting, storefront lighting, illuminated signs and wall lamps. The different lighting circuits can be controlled directly and time-programmed according to the time of the day and to a weekly calendar. A locking system has also been implemented allowing to disable manual operation for the selected circuits, either globally or for each lighting area. All of this results in easier operation and at the same time leads to significant energy savings.

The Iddero touch panels can also be used to control the storefront blinds, as well as the stores' background music and HVAC system, which is based on VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) technology. For the latter, HVAC control gateways were used.

The touch panels' integrated web server allows control of the whole system not only through the touch panels themselves, but also from the computers in every desk in the store, or even from a smartphone or tablet.

Project credits

Línea Iluminación y Montajes


Diego Frías Sánchez

Porcelanosa Marbella

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Porcelanosa Córdoba

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